Building or restoring a home in Merida Mexico is different from other parts of Mexico, it has to do with the type of ground we are in, pretty much STONE everywhere! So, the resistance to our ground is hight. The package of working plans for a project, should respond to what is necessary to build a project and this can be understood for your contractor, but it is your responsibility as an owner to review what your architect will make for you. At least you should have an idea of what to spect when hiring an Architect in Merida Yucatan Mexico. You have to be able to order as much as you wish to order respect to a plan but are certain plans that are minimal for you to be familiar with your project.
First of all, you have to understand and know the terms and the Architectural language that many Architects use for an Architectural Project.
There are different sections within the Architectural "package" that form a complete Executive Project. It is important to note that it is necessary to have a Basic Architectural wi Project (with information) to obtain a budget. The budget you can get is approximate if you don't have a project from which to get that budget.
Here I explain in general terms the plans that make up the sections of an Architectural Project and what information each of these contains, I try to do it as technically as possible. These descriptions are based on years of experience restoring houses in the center of the city of Merida, as well as building new houses on the beach.
There are three terms that you have to differentiate and not confuse: Preliminary Project, Project and Executive Project. Below is a brief description of each one.
Architectural project
The Architectural Project is formed when you combine the plans to be delivered to the client, these plans are the result of a Preliminary Project as its name indicates is what “happens” before the Architectural Project can be generated
Preliminary Project
Therefore it is your obligation as a client, to make the observations and questions that you want if something is not clear or you cannot see. Ask them to send you a better description.
Many times clients ask how many times can review the Draft (preliminary project), consider that there is no specific number of this. If in the contract I specify 3 revisions, what happens if I give you the Revision 3 and I still do not “hit” your wishes? And if you like what I have done in revision 1, will you want me to send you three more deliveries? It is also important to clarify that a preliminary project is not 3 different projects from the ones you will choose one. DO NOT. It is a single project that responds to YOUR architectural needs and desires based on the conversations you have had with your Architect, so the project content deliveries are to refine this idea.
Therefore it is your obligation as a client, to make the observations and questions that you want if something is not clear or you cannot see it, ask and ask them to send you a better description.
Structural Project
The Executive Project is the set of Plans of the Architectural Project and The Structural Project, When Someone talks about an Executive Project it is very important to clarify the scope that it will have since each of the plans has to be accompanied by memory.
How many cuts should we have in one plane? Well, this really I think are as many as your project requires. The municipality of Merida requests that you have at least two that go through a bathroom and a staircase. horizontally (that is, the cardinal plane X) and those named with YY are all the cuts you make vertically (that is, the cardinal plane Y). These plans give us information about the heights of the elements that are inside the edict, such as the height of the interior doors, windows, etc.c.chnology of Google Maps, we have enough information that we can use in the work of a House.
The Executive Project is the set of Plans of the Architectural Project and The Structural Project, When Someone talks about an Executive Project it is very important to clarify the scope that it will have since each of the plans has to be accompanied by documental memory.
Below are some Useful Plans for Restoration of a Property in the Historic Center of Merida and/or Beach House
1.Site Plan / Levantamiento.
This term refers to the measurement that is made of the existing land or building that is intended to work. This includes photographs and measurements. An architect can measure the land on which he will work with measuring instruments such as measurement tape, distance meter, drone, camera, etc. but there is always a margin of impression.
However it is very difficult to obtain exact and/or absolute measures in the Center of the City of Merida, this is because the system that the archives of the city have in this matter are not updated and little by little they are doing it, when the properties are going to be worked. l Government in conjunction with the National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (INEGI), with very advanced instruments for that time in Mexico, measure the whole country and with the current technology of Google Maps, we have enough information that we can use in the work of a House.
However it is very difficult to obtain exact and/or absolute measures in the Center of the City of Merida, this is because the system that the archives of the city have in this matter is not updated and little by little they are doing it when the properties are going to be worked. l Government in conjunction with the National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (INEGI), with very advanced instruments for that time in Mexico, measure the whole country and with the current technology of Google Maps, we have enough information that we can use in the work of a House.
Summarizing the point, the survey refers to obtaining the ground in "physical" on a plan and obtaining information from it.
2. Renderings / Dibujo en 3D
He is currently known as Render to the photograph of your future project. As we have nothing to see in the future, it has to be elaborated with the information of the Plan. Everything is done electronically, but a render can be defined as a photograph and many times they do!
3.Sketch / Dibujo a mano
The sketch is the language of the Architect! We express our ideas through drawings and our drawings are the basis for the understanding and elaboration of our architectural project.
4.Floor Plans / Plantas Arquitectonicas
This plan refers to the view of the entire land with the building, not a specific focus on the landscape but mainly to the over looking of the whole property's roof and land. sidewalks, fences, easels, etc.two facades if it is detached from the two neighbors because you have four facades, etc.
5. Landscape plan / Planta de Conjunto
He is currently known as Render to the photograph of your future project. As we have nothing to see in the future, it has to be elaborated with the information of the Plan. Everything is done electronically, but a render can be defined as a photograph and many
times they do! building is distributed
More information necessary for the City Council and for the project, without having to generate another plan, such as the information of storm drains, wells, sewage system, sidewalks, fences, easels , etc.
6. Facade Plan / Fachadas
This plan refers to the view of the entire land with the building, not a specific focus on the landscape but mainly to the overlooking of the whole property's roof and land. sidewalks, fences, easels, etc.two facades if it is detached from the two neighbors because you have four facades, etc.cuts you make vertically (that is, the cardinal plane Y). These plans give us information about the heights of the elements that are inside the edict, such as the height of the interior doors, windows, etc.
7. Sections Plan / Cortes
The Executive Project is the set of Plans of the Architectural Project and The Structural Project, When Someone talks about an Executive Project it is very important to clarify the scope that it will have since each of the plans has to be accompanied by to be worked. Federal Government in conjunction with the National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (INEGI), with very advanced instruments for that time in Mexico, measure the whole country and with the current technology of Google Maps, we have enough information that we can use in the work of a House.
The Cortes or Sections refers to "slicing the building", it is as if you were making interior facades, and you are given names like XX or YY (XX1, XXX2, XX3, etc). Those named with XX are all the cuts you make horizontally (that is, the cardinal plane X) and those named with YY are all the cuts you make vertically (that is, the cardinal plane Y). These plans give us information about the heights of the elements that are inside the edict, such as the height of the interior doors, windows etc.
This is important to review and if you do not like the proposed height of a window say it at the time of the draft.
How many cuts should we have in one plane? Well this really I think are as many as your project requires. The municipality of Merida requests that you have at least two that go through a bathroom and a staircase.
8. Details Plan / Detalles
The details within the project are those that exist within your project with: the fountain inside the garden, the fireplace inside the kitchen, the niche inside the shower, etc.
This is to list all the details that your project has with all the information so that this detail is understood.
9. Door and Window Plan / Plano de Puertas y Ventanas
It is similar to the reason for Baths and Kitchen, we need information about the pool, the lights, the pumps, the levels, the details it will have, etcrs. It is important to have this plan to keep track of what we are outsourcing.
10. Kitchen Plan / Plano de Cocina
Why a Kitchen Plan? Because it is a space that has a lot of information, and it is necessary to give that information in detail and in a larger scale format.
11. Bathroom Plan / Plano de Baños
In the same way that we need information from the kitchen, we need information from the bathrooms. In addition to the fact that we usually have more than one bathroom, it is of the utmost importance that the bathrooms have
12. Pool plan / Plano de Piscina
It is similar to the reason of Baths and Kitchen, we need information about the pool, the lights, the pumps, the levels, the details it will have, etc
13. Plan Finishes / Plano de Acabados
These plans refer to the different special elements that we essentially are not included in a Housing Project such as Solar panels, Conference Room, Wine cellar, there is to describe all that implies and of course these plans have an additional cost because they have to have additional research, type of refrigeration, etc. Of course, you can indicate to your Architect that you want him to leave “space” for this, but not necessarily develop this “sub-project”.
14. Lighting Proposal / Propuesta de Iluminacion
In the Lighting proposal we include the contacts, dampers, wall lamps (buttresses), plafond lamps, garden lamps, the control panel, the source where the energy comes from, etc.
15. Special Project Plans / Plano de elementos especiales
These plans refer to the different special elements that we essentially are not included in a Housing Project such as: Solar panels, Conference Room, Wine cellar, there is to describe all that implies and of course these plans have an additional cost because they have to have additional research, type of refrigeration, etc. Of course you can indicate to your Architect that you want him to leave “the space” for this, but not necessarily develop this “sub-project”.
16. Permission Plan / Plano de Permiso
How many cuts should we have in one plane? Well, this really I think are as many as your project requires. The municipality of Merida requests that you have at least two that go through a bathroom and a staircase. Horizontally (that is, the cardinal plane X) and those named with YY are all the cuts you make vertically (that is, the cardinal plane Y). These plans give us information about the heights of the elements that are inside the edict, such as the height of the interior doors, windows, etc.
We have to understand that a Permission Plan is made so that the authority understands the project. That is why we deliver the above plans.
“Get in touch, show off your style, and tell your story. Your project will reflect it!”
This plan refers to the view of the entire land with the building, not a specific focus on the landscape but mainly to the overlooking of the whole property's roof and land. sidewalks, fences, easels, etc.two facades if it is detached from the two neighbors because you have four facades, etc.
Below is a breakdown of the Installations Plans Package.
If you want to have the plans of all the installations, these are not included in the architectural project package.
1. Plumbing Plan / Plano de Plomeria
In this plan, you have to make the laying of the water network: soapy, black and rainwater. The details that the connections imply, the thicknesses of the tubes, material, etc. When an Architect offers you a plumbing plan within the architectural package and they give you dotted lines only, they are not giving you a complete plumbing plan. It is the same as including the rainwater within the assembly plan and the connections within the detailed plan of each section.
2. Electricity Plan / Plano de Electricidad
The electricity plane is created with the lighting plane that is made in the architectural plans. Here they give you the load balance, cable thickness, machine connection, etc. The important thing here is to understand the difference between a lighting plane and an electricity plane.
3. Blacksmith Plan
Here it shows the location of the elements of Blacksmithing, the design of doors, windows, closets, drawers, etc. The finish they will have, the color to be used, the type of profile to be used, the connections they will have, the hardware marks, the color of the hardware, the model of the hardware, etc. As well as the measurements, both in plan and elevation of each of the models that exist in the project.
4. Aluminum Chancellery Plan
Here it shows the location of the Aluminum elements, the design of doors, windows, closets, drawers, etc. The finish that these will have, the color to be used, the type of Aluminum to be used, the connections that these will have, the marks of fittings, the color of the fittings, the model of the fittings, etc. As well as the measurements, both in plan and elevation of each of the models that exist in the project.
5. Carpentry Plan
Here it shows the location of the elements of Carpentry, the design of doors, windows, closets, drawers, etc. The finish they will have, the color to be used, the type of wood to be used, the connections they will have, the hardware marks, the color of the hardware, the model of the hardware, etc. As well as the measurements, both in plan and elevation of each of the models that exist in the project.
6. Foundation Plan
This plan serves to plan the foundation of the building, what type of foundation will have, how are we going to reinforce the building at its base, with what type of foundation are we going to form our building. This also
carries the relevant foundation details.
7. Structural Elements Plan
This plan refers to the view of the entire land with the building, not a specific focus on the landscape but mainly to the overlooking of the whole property's roof and land. sidewalks, fences, easels, etc.two facades if it is detached from the two neighbors because you have four facades, etc., etc. Additionally, it must include the calculation of the elements...
8. Roof Plan
It refers to the types of roofs that your project will have: if it will be roofed with Slabs of Vigueta and Bovedilla, Metal Beams, tiles, sheets, etc. Here is everything related to ceilings. And of course as I explain in wood, aluminum and ironwork, they have to include the details, models, etc. Additionally, it must include the calculation of the elements.
There are many more plans that can be integrated and each of them depends on the type of project to which it refers.
When we do a Restoration Project in the Historic Center or Build a Residence on the Beach, the plans respond specifically to the needs of the project and these to the needs of the client.
For an average family residence, with the Architectural plan package you can build perfectly if the plans are done correctly and are all the informative they have to be.